As of now, we have no indication that the American Psychological Association (APA) supports the petition.
The NCPA has requested that the petitioners withdraw the petition and not pursue LPA independence at this time. The NCPA is questioning the quality of LPAs' education and EPPP scores/passage rates of LPAs, and does not believe that LPA independence should be pursued before the APA determines measures and national standards. The NCPA has sought legal counsel to oppose the current petition seeking immediate LPA independence before the NCPB.
That said, the petition solely involves rules within the North Carolina Psychology Board (NCPB) and the North Carolina Psychology Practice Act; both organizations governed by North Carolina state legislation. While the petitioners would prefer that NCPA support this effort and that the organization would advocate for LPAs’ equity in practice and parity with other master’s level practitioners (e.g. LCSW, LCS, LCAS, etc), the petition is a legal matter and is not subject to rules, guidelines, or views specified by the APA or NCPA.